Monday, May 5, 2008

Anybody Out There????

Today for some strange reason I don't feel particularly like blogging but here it goes.....

My life is extremely busy right now with work!!!! I have my own photography business, for those of you that didn't know that, and I am shooting 8 weddings in the months of May and June!! WHAT WAS I THINKING? I also teach art at a small college near my home two days a week. Any of you out there that have ever taught know that the work is always more than your scheduled time, planning, preparing, buying supplies, figuring out how the heck your going to explain the material so that it is understandable and at least a little interesting to your students.

So that is my life right now! Mothering, Homing, Shooting, Teaching.....BUSY!

I feel so overwhelmed I think that it isn't worth taking the time to blog...does anybody really even read this? So, just out of curiosity I want to do what many have done on these blogs before......ROLL CALL! Who is out there?


Sandra said...

It sounds like you're in for a busy two months. I found your blog from Heather's and hers from Carrie's blog. I hope you make it through May and June:)

Anonymous said...

I'm here! :)

J-Mac said...


Julie said...

I do! and I miss you!!

whatever_heather said...

You'll make it through!
Keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

I check in about every two days, just to see if you blogged anything.

Jess Addison said...

I'm Here! Try to get some sleep in the next few weeks!!

J-Mac said...

I'm thinking that we need a special AB-Phab Mom's night out too. Thoughts?

Tracy said...

Keep it up...what else would I have to do with my life??

Anonymous said...

I read it. Make more posts.

Gretchen said...

I'm a reader too although I don't have much time to check as often as I would like to. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey! I read it! Not as often as I would like these days since I can hardly find the time to get on the computer, but nonetheless I am here and checking it out!

Carrie Beauchamp said...

Hey, Catherine,
I stop by every once and a while too.

ErinM said...

I'm here, I'm just now coming out of my semester-long haze!

Lindsey said...

I read your blog!